General Medicine

General Medicine

The general practitioner is the first point of contact for a number of symptoms of diseases. In some health care systems of this world, he is the one, who detects and analyses all diseases and if need be, transfers the patient to a specialist. The special challenge here is, to quickly detect and accurately diagnose illnesses of various medical disciplines.

The anamnesis is a very important basis for making a diagnosis. In addition, the health care professional needs high-performance, medical devices which support him in the best way when making a diagnosis. HEINE Optotechnik is looking back on many years of experience in developing and producing medical devices and offers a wide range of high-quality primary diagnostic instruments.


Ear examination is a procedure which is very often performed by general practitioners and paediatricians. Please see our Otoscopy Manual for interesting facts about otoscopy and the most common diseases of the outer and inner ear.

HEINE offers otoscopes which allow paediatricians and general practitioners a fast and accurate diagnosis – thanks to high magnification and bright illumination. The high quality of the instruments guarantees durability and maximum customer satisfaction.


Since a few years, skin cancer screening has become an important topic in the frame of medical check-ups for general practitioners. Dermatoscopy has become an integral part in the prevention and detection of skin cancer. We offer the right dermatoscope to suit every requirements: with contact or non-contact, polarised and non-polarised illumination in combination, digital and with different magnifications. All HEINE Dermatoscopes are delivered with a Compendium of Dermatoscopy. Our customers highly appreciate the systematic image overview of typical melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions which helps them to differentiate between suspicious skin lesions.

Direct Ophthalmoscopes

The fundus provides information on diabetes, hypertension and a plethora of other diseases. Therefore, the examination of the eye with the help of an ophthalmoscope may also be useful for the general practitioner in the frame of a medical check-up.

In order to ensure the safe use of light sources, we develop and test our products in accordance to the requirements of the corresponding standards. Meeting photobiological safety standards is an essential part of our quality politics.

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