Dermatology is a branch of medicine concerned with diseases of the skin, hair and nails. But the spectrum of dermatological applications now also includes a number of aesthetic treatments. For a dermatologist or a general practitioner, an optimal illumination, best possible magnification and precise, sharp images are the most important requirements for a reliable diagnosis and a successful treatment.
The most important diagnosing instrument in dermatology is the dermatoscope, also called reflected-light microscope. The early diagnosis of skin cancer is of particular importance and plays a substantial role to significantly increase healing chances. In our section “All about Dermatoscopy” you can find a guideline for skin cancer screening, the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy, information about black and white skin cancer and further indications of dermatoscopy, such as Alopecia areata or head lice.
For many years now, HEINE has specialised in this area and has manufactured products that meet the highest demands.
Kit complete:
- HEINE DELTA 20T Dermatoscope with contact plate with scale
- HEINE BETA 4 USB rechargeable handle
- USB cord and plug-in power supply
- dermatoscopy compendium
€1,384.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 1 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- HEINE HR Binocular Loupe 2.5 x / 340 mm with i-View
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€2,762.00HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- Flexible Power Source Options
- Comfortable and secure fit
- Adjustable spot size
- Coaxial illumination
- Optional Polarisation Filter System
€1,111.00HEINE HR 2.5x/340...
Set A complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x/340 Binocular Loupes with i-View on S-FRAME
- working distance 340 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Retaining cord
- Cleaning cloth
- Carrying case
€1,234.00HEINE DELTA 20T...
Set complete with:
- HEINE DELTA 20 T Dermatoscope
- contact plate 23 mm Ø dia. with scale
- HEINE BETA4 USB rechargeable handle 3.5V with USB cord and plug-in power supply
- dermatoscopy compendium
- hard case
€1,457.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 2 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- Binocular Loupes HEINE HR 2.5x with i-View and S-GUARD
- Working distance 420 mm
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- case option
€2,762.00HEINE ML4 LED...
- Flexible Power Source Options
- Comfortable and secure fit
- Adjustable spot size
- Coaxial illumination
- Optional Polarisation Filter System
Set complete:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- on Headband Professional L
- with plug-in transformer
- Case option
€1,247.00HEINE HR 2.5x/420...
Set A complete with:
- Binocular Loupes HEINE HR 2.5x with i-View on S-FRAME
- Working distance 420 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Retaining cord
- Cleaning cloth
- Carrying case
€1,234.00HEINE DELTA 20 T...
- Toggle function
- High-resolution optics
- High performance LEDs
Set complete with:
- HEINE DELTA 20T Dermatoscope
- contact plate 23 mm Ø dia. with scale
- HEINE BETA 4 NT rechargeable handle with NT 4 table charger
- dermatoscopy compendium
- hard case
€1,667.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 11 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- Binocular Loupes HEINE HR 2.5x with i-View and S-GUARD
- Working distance 520 mm
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- case option
€2,762.00HEINE ML4 LED...
Set complete:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- on Headband HEINE Professional L
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€1,628.00HEINE HR 2.5x/520...
Set A complete with:
- Binocular Loupes HEINE HR 2.5x with i-View on S-FRAME
- Working distance 520 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Retaining cord
- Cleaning cloth
- Carrying case
€1,234.00Apple iPhone...
Mounting case smartphone for Apple iPhone 6 - 12 Pro
Suitable for HEINE DELTA 30 Dermatoscope
€58.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 3 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- HRP Binocular Loupe 3.5 x / 420 mm with i-View and S-GUARD
- mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€3,032.00HEINE ML4 LED...
Set complete:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight with Headband Professional L
- plug-in transformer UNPLUGGED
- Case option
€1,705.00HEINE HR 2.5x/340mm...
Set B complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on Professional L Headband
- Working distance 340 mm
- HEINE S-GUARD splash protection
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Cleaning cloth
€1,234.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 4 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- HEINE HRP Binocular Loupe 4x with i-View and S-GUARD
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€3,032.00HEINE ML4 LED...
Wireless Set complete:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight on Headband Professional L
- with wall mounted EN 50 UNPLUGGED Charger
- Case option
€2,350.00HEINE HR 2.5x/420...
Set B complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on Professional L Headband
- Working distance 420 mm
- HEINE S-GUARD splash protection
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Cleaning cloth
€1,234.00Small contact plate...
Small contact plate for HEINE DELTAone Dermatoscope
For the examination of difficult-to-access pigmented lesions
€153.00HEINE LED MicroLight...
Set complete with:
- HEINE LED MicroLight 2 on S-FRAME
- with mPack mini
- mPack mini Belt Clip
- E4-USB plug-in transformer
- retaining cord
- in case
€1,667.00HEINE mini 3000 LED...
- Maintenance-free pocket instrument
- Up to 10 hours operation time
- Bright LED illumination
€414.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 5 contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- HEINE HRP 6x Binocular Loupe with i-View and S-GUARD
- Working distance 340 mm
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€3,113.00HEINE HR 2.5x/520...
Set B complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on Professional L Headband
- Working distance 520 mm
- HEINE S-GUARD splash protection
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Cleaning cloth
€1,234.00HEINE DELTAone...
Mounting case smartphone for Apple iPhone 6 - 12 Pro
Suitable for HEINE DELTAone Dermatoscope
€58.00HEINE DELTA 30...
DELTA 30 Set complete with:
- HEINE DELTA 30 with contact plate with scale
- USB cord with medical approved plug-in power supply
- case
€1,418.00HEINE LED MicroLight...
- Compact and Lightweight
- Coaxial Illumination
- Typ. 55,000 Lux
Set complete with:
- HEINE LED MicroLight 2 on Lightweight Headband
- with mPack mini
- mPack mini Belt Clip
- E4-USB plug-in transformer
- in case
€1,475.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 1c contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- Binocular Loupes HR 2.5x with i-View without S-GUARD
- Working distance 340 mm
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€2,355.00HEINE HRP 3.5x...
Set A complete with:
- HEINE HRP 3.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on S-FRAME
- working distance 420 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- Retaining cord
- Cleaning cloth
- Carrying case
How to choose the correct Loupe
- Crisp, High-Resolution Image
- Multi-coated Achromatic Optics
- Unique i-View Loupe Mount
- Prismatic for highest magnification
€1,501.00Table charging...
Table charging station for HEINE DELTA 30 Dermatoscope
Plug selectable for AU, UK, EU, USA
€212.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 2c contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- HEINE HR Binocular Loupe 2.5 x / 420 mm with i-View
- mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€2,577.00HEINE HR 2.5x/420...
Set C complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on Professional L Headband
- Working distance 340 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- case option
How to choose the correct Loupe
- Working distance 420mm
- Crisp, High-Resolution Image
- Unique i-View Loupe Mount
- Exceptional Focal Range
- Multi-coated Achromatic Optics
€1,072.00HEINE DELTA 30...
DELTA 30 Set complete with:
- HEINE DELTA 30 Dermatoscope with contact plate with scale
- HEINE Table charging station
- case
Mounting case for Smartphone please order separatly
€1,630.00HEINE ML4 LED...
The following Kit 11c contain:
- HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight
- Binocular Loupes HEINE HR 2.5 x with i-View
- Working distance 520 mm
- HEINE mPack and plug-in transformer
- Case option
€2,577.00HEINE HR 2.5x/520...
Set C complete with:
- HEINE HR 2.5x Binocular Loupes with i-View on Professional L Headband
- Working distance 520 mm
- Protective lenses
- 2 sterilisable swivel levers
- case option