

Dermatology is a branch of medicine concerned with diseases of the skin, hair and nails. But the spectrum of dermatological applications now also includes a number of aesthetic treatments. For a dermatologist or a general practitioner, an optimal illumination, best possible magnification and precise, sharp images are the most important requirements for a reliable diagnosis and a successful treatment.

The most important diagnosing instrument in dermatology is the dermatoscope, also called reflected-light microscope. The early diagnosis of skin cancer is of particular importance and plays a substantial role to significantly increase healing chances. In our section “All about Dermatoscopy” you can find a guideline for skin cancer screening, the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy, information about black and white skin cancer and further indications of dermatoscopy, such as Alopecia areata or head lice.

For many years now, HEINE has specialised in this area and has manufactured products that meet the highest demands.

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